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Il Museo delle Civiltà partecipa al workshop Gandhāran Studies: A Survey presso la University of California, Berkeley

La Sezione India e Sud-Est asiatico del Museo delle Civiltà – Museo d’arte orientale ‘Giuseppe Tucci’ ha avviato diversi progetti di ricerca di carattere storico religioso, iconologico e diagnostico incentrati sull’arte del Gandhara, di cui l’Istituto conserva un’importante collezione, proveniente in buona parte dagli scavi della Missione archeologica italiana nella Valle dello Swat (Pakistan), oltreché da acquisti e donazioni.

Laura Giuliano, curatrice della collezione, è stata invitata a partecipare al workshop Gandhāran Studies: A Survey, svoltosi tra il 2 e il 4 dicembre 2021 presso il Tang Center for Silk Road Studies della University of California, Berkeley, organizzato dall’eminente numismatico Osmund Bopearachchi (Emeritus Director of Research, CNRS, Paris). e da Sanjyot Mehendale, presidente del Centro, per riferire degli esiti di alcune di queste ricerche.


Nell’ambito del convegno ha presentato l’intervento ‘The Archery Competition of Siddhārta and the Pre-Marital Ceremony in Gandhāran Art: An Example of Shared Traditions in Buddhism and Indian Epics’, in cui in chiave comparativa ha sottolineato le assonanze tra un episodio ricorrente nelle fonti agiografiche buddhiste e raffigurato sui rilievi gandharici e alcuni racconti dell’epica indiana, che trovano inoltre eco anche nella tradizione epica occidentale.


Il convegno, organizzato in occasione della mostra Beyond Boundaries: Gandharan Buddhist Art, attualmente presso il Berkeley Art Museum, curata da Julia White (senior curator, BAM) e dallo stesso Osmund Bopearachchi, (https://bampfa.org/program/beyond-boundaries-buddhist-art-gandhara) ha offerto una panoramica sullo stato degli studi gandharici, in campo archeologico, testuale, iconografico e storico religioso, come appare visibile nel programma allegato

Nel corso del mese di gennaio 2022 sul sito della University of California saranno disponibili gli interventi del workshop, di cui condivideremo i link.

                                                           Gandhāran Studies: A Survey

                                                  Thursday – Saturday December 2-4, 2021

Thursday, December 2, 2021, 4-5;30 pm.

Keynote at the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) 2155 Center Street, Berkeley

Osmund Bopearachchi (Emeritus Director of Research, CNRS, Paris) The Great Departure and the Twin Miracle: How Gandhāran Buddhist Sculptors Showcased Key Episodes in the Life of the Buddha

Friday, December 3, 2021 Workshop (in person)

370 Dwinelle Hall

12:45 – 1pm


Sanjyot Mehendale (Chair, Tang Center for Silk Road Studies)

Osmund Bopearachchi (Emeritus Director of Research, CNRS, Paris)

1pm – 1:45pm

Perspective of Studying Gandhāra Art by Pakistani scholars: A Critical Analysis

Muhammad Hameed (Associate Professor of Archaeology, University of the Punjab, Lahore)

1:45pm – 2:30pm

Gandhāran Inscriptions and Manuscripts: What have we learned?

Richard Salomon (Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit and Buddhist Studies, University of Washington, Seattle)

2:30 – 2:45 pm ~ Coffee/Tea Break

:45pm – 3:30pm

Digital Gandhāra: New Perspectives at the Crossroads of Art History,

Archaeology and Conservation

Serena Autiero (Research Associate, Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr- University, Bochum).

3:30pm – 4:15pm

The Archery Competition of Siddhārta and the Pre-Marital Ceremony in Gandhāran Art: An Example of Shared Traditions in Buddhism and Indian Epics

Laura Giuliano (Curator of the Indian and Southeast Asian Department, Museo delle Civiltà/Museo d’Arte Orientale ‘Giuseppe Tucci’, Rome)

4:15 – 4:30pm ~ Coffee/Tea Break

4:30pm – 5:15pm

A New Interpretation of the Kustanai Silver Bowl (Hermitage Museum):

Oedipus the King

Anca Dan (Researcher, CNRS-ENS) and Frantz Grenet (Professor, Collège de France)

5:15pm – 6pm

Gandhāran Art and its Kashmiri and Hindu Shai Afterlife

John Guy (Curator of South and Southeast Asian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)


Saturday, December 4, 2021, Workshop (via Zoom)

 10 – 10:15am


Sanjyot Mehendale (Chair, Tang Center for Silk Road Studies)

Osmund Bopearachchi (Emeritus Director of Research, CNRS, Paris)

10:15 – 11am

Structure of the Western Gansu Corridor Prior to the Han Dynasty Occupation. Impact of the Yuezhi, Qiang, Wusun, Xiongnu and Other Local Tribes in the

Chinese Configuration of the Four Imperial Commanderies.

Arnaud Bertrand (Lecturer, Catholic Institute of Paris, Research Associate, ArScAn – Central Asian Team)

11 – 11:45am

The Coinage of the Kushans: from Silver to Gold, from Yabghus to Emperors Olivier Bordeaux (Chargé de recherche, Member, ArScAn, Archaeology of Central Asia, CNRS, Nanterre)

11:45 – 2:00 pm ~ Lunch

2:00 – 2:45pm

Italian Excavations in Gandhāra

Anna Filigenzi (Professor, University of Naples, Naples)

2:45 – 3:15pm

Digital Framework for the Research and Publication of Gandhari Manuscripts and Inscriptions

Mark Allon (Chair, Department of Indian Subcontinental Studies, University of Sydney) and Ian McCrabb (University of Sydney)

3:15 – 3:30pm ~ Break

3:30 – 4:15pm

Excavation of Zar Dheri

Yoshihide Koizumi (Curator, Kyushu National Museum, Fukuoka)

4:15 – 4:30pm

Closing Remarks

Osmund Bopearachchi (Emeritus Director of Research, CNRS, Paris

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