




Chi siamo

Il museo e l’EUR

Educazione e Ricerca



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Pedagogy and Education Services

Education Services pursues its goals by configuring the Museum as a platform for live and real-time research, education and experimentation in close contact with schools and universities.

Guided tours and workshops envision museum education as a stimulus to critical and self-critical knowledge that supports both individual and collective expressiveness and sensitivities and is addressed to all audiences, from families to children/young people, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

The Museum of Civilizations has awarded its cultural assistance service to AbIntra through Determination Bid Contract No. 169 dated 05/09/2023.

In order to book a guided tour or workshop (for school or other groups), please call +39 3758323206 (open Tuesdays through Friday, 9:00-14:00) or write to didatticamuciv@abintra.it.

Schools and Universities

The Museum of Civilizations offers an articulated proposal of pedagogical and training activities for young students that includes internships and apprenticeships at universities and other training institutions while also participating in Alternating School-Work and Schools at Risk Projects (Art. 9).

Specific training projects offer students with interests in the natural sciences, archaeology, ethnology, ethnography, anthropology, art history, communication and cultural promotion the chance to actively participate in the life of the museum, thus contributing to its formation as a space for the shared construction—not mere transmission—of plural knowledge and awareness essential to collective and participatory museography.

For more detail, write to:


The Museum of Civilizations has been accredited by the MIUR-Ministry of Education and Merit as a qualified subject for the training of public-school teachers (Directive 170/2016 Article 1, paragraph 5).

For more detail, write to:


Services and Laboratory

The Museum of Civilizations operates as an interdisciplinary research center in the fields of natural sciences, archaeology, ethnology, ethnography, anthropology and art history together with various Italian and international organizations and institutions.


The Museum of Civilizations Libraries are the result of the confluence of the libraries of the Luigi Pigorini National Prehistoric Ethnographic Museum, the Giuseppe Tucci National Museum of Oriental Art, and the National Museum of Folk Art and Traditions. These libraries have made these institutes reference points in their respective fields of research for generations of scholars and researchers.
Since 2023, the Museum of Civilizations Libraries have been part of the National Library Service (SBN) through the Central Institute for Sound and Audiovisual Heritage (DDS)
(https://cloud.sbn.it/opac2/DDS/info/biblioteche) with the gradual cataloging of the assets owned.


The Museum of Civilizations Historical Archives– divided into Paper and Photographic Archives—conserves a heritage of absolute historical and scientific significance consisting of documents from the archival collections of the following institutions that entered the Museum of Civilizations in 2016:

  • The Luigi Pigorini National Prehistoric Ethnographic Museum
  • The Giuseppe Tucci National Museum of Oriental Art
  • the National Museum of Folk Art and Traditions


Documents managed by the Historical Photograph Archive of the Museum of Civilizations do not include those from the archival collections of the former Colonial Museum of Rome (now in the National Central Library of Rome-former ISIAO Library collections) or the ISPRA Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (where these are currently held and managed).

Projects and Networks

The Museum of Civilizations is actively engaged in a series of projects and partnerships on national and international scale for activities of cultural cooperation, shared research, study and interpretation residencies, exchanges of professional experience and best practices, and educational and outreach programs oriented to ensuring the complete protection of museum collections and implementing multiple forms of enhancement.

Specific programs address and explore key issues of contemporary debate in the fields of museography and individual disciplines pertinent to Museum of Civilizations collections.

Partnership projects in particular are distinguished by all-across-the-board reflections on questions regarding the role of contemporary museums, the search for provenance, access to collections and methods of reinterpreting works and documents with the aim of enhancing forms of participation by various stakeholders in institutional policies in dialogue with institutions, universities, academies, research centers, cultural centers, associations, and represents of civil society.

Research Fellowship Program

Maria Thereza Alves / Sammy Baloji / DAAR-Decolonizing Architecture-Art Research-Sandi Hilal & Alessandro Petti / Bruna Esposito / Karrabing Film Collective – Elizabeth A. Povinelli / Gala Porras-Kim

The Museum of Civilizations Research Fellowship Program in operation since October 26, 2022, was conceived to include artistic practices-even those beyond the scope and limits of the institution—in the rethinking of the museum by supporting the research of 6 artists invited to begin a new long-term program of working with the institution’s research activities. The objects of study include the archives and materials (both on display and in storage) and the multiple issues and problems they raise in relation to the decontextualization, re-cataloguing and rewriting of the ‘biographies’ of the objects, research methodologies, and types of cataloguing, with particular attention to studies on provenance, also in the light of a common reflection aimed at adopting shared practices in loan, exhibition, and return processes.

The ways in which research results must be disseminated and shared (exhibitions, works, publications, seminars, teaching activities) are defined by the artists themselves with no strings attached by the institution. The museum thus redefines itself as a subject in favor of open-minded research and moments of public confrontation in which to establish dialogue between scientific and artistic research, and between the museum and its target communities and their territories in order to reveal different ways of telling the story of humanity intertwined with other species, and imagining possible and shared futures.

These collective processes aim to create a permeable and dynamic discursive space-time around the items and documents on display and the many others kept in storage and with the existing and potential communities that produced them or to these items and documents related

The Research Fellowship Program may therefore be imagined as a generative context in which multiple ideas and new projects take shape with the simultaneous modelling of the museum’s language and narratives by the artists’ practices.

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