




Chi siamo

Il museo e l’EUR

Educazione e Ricerca



Area stampa

Visiting hours

Tuesday – Sunday (Monday closed)
Last admission 18.30

Tickets and Guided Tours


Full price: 10,00 €
Reduced entry: 2,00 €
Free Admission for European Union Citizens under 18 years of age, to members, and all other eligible persons

Free admission every first Sunday of the month

Notice is hereby given that this institute is committed to offering the public the most extended visiting hours possibile in compliance with the criteria of public opening, supervision and security of state museums and places of culture specified in Ministerial Decree dated June 30, 2016, pending completion of the planned competitive procedures to overcome current staff shortages and consequently increase the number of staff on duty.

The Citizens Services Quality Card is placed at public disposal for thi purpose.

For more details, read the complete text

Reduced entry
  • European Union citizens and nationals between 18 and 25 years of age;
  • Pets (in afternoon hours 14.00 – 19.00, see Museum Rules).
Free Admission
  • citizens and nationals of non-EU countries under 18 years of age;
  • European Union citizens and nationals under 18 years of age;
  • persons with disabilities and a family member or other accompanying person who demonstrates membership in social and healthcare services;
  • citizens and nationals of non-EU countries under a “condition of reciprocity” (children under the age of 12 must be accompanied);
  • European Union interpreters for tourists whenever the guide requires such assistance upon presentation of valid license issued by the competent authority;
  • Ministry of Culture personnel;
  • I.C.O.M. (International Council of Museums) members;
  • groups of students of public and private schools of the European Union accompanied by their teachers upon prior reservation and within the number set by the head of the institution
  • students(s) of the higher education courses of the Ministry’s Schools (Central Institute for Restoration, Gemstone Processing School, School for Mosaic Restoration);
  • teachers and students attending fine arts academies or corresponding institutions of the European Union who show their certificate of enrollment for the current academic year;
  • teachers, students attending bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degree courses and postgraduate students at the following faculties: architecture, cultural heritage conservation, education science, literature, or philosophy with an archaeological or historical-artistic focus. The same concessions are made to the faculty members and students of corresponding faculties or courses established in the states of the European Union. Free admission is granted to students who show certificates of enrollment for the current academic year and to faculty members with the appropriate document.
  • art history teachers of high school institutions who show the appropriate document;
  • journalists in good standing with the payment of membership fee who show the appropriate document demonstrating professional qualification;
  • for reasons of study or research certified by school or university institutions, academies, Italian or foreign research and cultural institutes, and Ministry agencies or for special and justified needs, the Museum Director may allow free admission to exhibition venues under their jurisdiction for specified periods upon request;
  • licensed European Union tourist guides;
  • tenured or contracted teaching staff-members from Italian schools are allowed free admission to national museums, archaeological areas, parks, and monumental complexes.
Free Passes and special agreements

Museum of Civilizations One-Year Card: 22.00 €

This Card grants unlimited admission to the Museum of Civilizations and exclusive participation in events and activities (exhibition openings, book presentations, guided tours reserved for subscribers, and more), together with reduced rates on Bookshop purchases and Museum courses, workshops and activities.  

Cards are strictly personal and non-transferable. 

In order to register, download, fill out, and present the form together with ID at the Museum Ticket Office.

Roma Pass

The Roma Pass is a nominal non-transferable pass valid for 2 (48 hr. Roma Pass) or 3 days (72 hr. Roma Pass) that gives access to 45 museums, monuments and archaeological areas in the city of Rome. 

Discover how it works at http://www.romapass.it

Guided tours and workshops

Il servizio di assistenza culturale per il Museo delle Civiltà è affidato in concessione ad AbIntra.

Per prenotare una visita guidata o un laboratorio telefonare al: +39 3758323206 (dal martedì al venerdì, 9.00 – 14.00), oppure scrivere a: didatticamuciv@abintra.it.

Visite guidate week-end

AbIntra s.c. propone nei week-end percorsi di visite guidate su prenotazione. La programmazione – disponibile di settimana in settimana sul sito web del Museo e condivisa attraverso le newsletter periodiche – comprende visite su tematiche o collezioni specifiche o visite generali alle collezioni. Il programma, costantemente aggiornato e diversificato anche in base esigenze e indicazioni dei pubblici del Museo, intende presentare le opere e i documenti storici che l’istituto conserva ma anche proporre nuove narrazioni e aprire nuove prospettive su di essi.

Costi per singoli: 5,00 € a persona
Si richiede la prenotazione entro il venerdì precedente la visita.

Info e prenotazioni:
e-mail: didatticamuciv@abintra.it
tel.: +39 3758323206 (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 14.00)

Visite guidate per gruppi

I gruppi possono prenotare una visita guidata dedicata presso il Museo delle Civiltà a cura di AbIntra s.c. Le visite possono prevedere percorsi generali e complessivi (includendo la presentazione delle origini, della storia e della missione istituzionali), o percorsi specifici sulle collezioni presenti, sia nel Palazzo delle Scienze che nel Palazzo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari. Le visite possono essere personalizzate in base alle esigenze e agli interessi di ciascun gruppo.
Possibilità di visite in inglese e, su richiesta e previa verifica disponibilità delle guide, in altre lingue. Prenotazione obbligatoria.

Costi per visita gruppi fino a 20 persone:  100,00 €
Per ogni ulteriore partecipante il costo è di 5,00 € a partecipante.

Costo per visita in inglese fino a 20 persone: 120,00 €
Per ogni ulteriore partecipante il costo è di 6,00 € a partecipante.

Info e prenotazioni:
tel.: +39 3758323206 (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9:00 alle 14.00)

Visite guidate scuola e gruppi studenti

Le studentesse e gli studenti di ogni indirizzo possono fare esperienza dell’incontro tra storie, culture e arti presenti nel Museo delle Civiltà attraverso percorsi di visita realizzati da AbIntras.c alle collezioni. Oltre alla visita, i laboratori, suddivisi per fasce scolastiche, offrono la possibilità di approfondire alcuni aspetti e di condividere conoscenze sperimentandole dal vivo.

Scarica i percorsi completi

Info e prenotazioni:
tel.: +39 3758323206 (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9:00 alle 14.00)


Compleanno al Museo delle Civiltà
Al Museo delle Civiltà è possibile organizzare anche la propria festa di compleanno. La proposta prevede la visita guidata al Museo, seguita da un laboratorio, con possibilità di organizzare un rinfresco con la propria torta di compleanno al termine dell’attività.
È obbligatoria la presenza di almeno 2 adulti accompagnatori durante l’attività.
L’età minima per la partecipazione all’attività è di 6 anni.

Info e prenotazioni:
tel.: +39 3758323206 (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9:00 alle 14.00)

Group admission

Admission for school and other groups (max. 25 participants) must be booked in advance by calling +39 3758323206 (Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.) or writing to didatticamuciv@abintra.it.

The concessionaire charges a reservation fee of 10.00 € per group.

Video and photo shooting without flash and without tripod exclusively for individual use and non-commercial purposes are permitted.

Educational activities may be conducted only by the following authorized parties:

  • the teacher of the class that he/she is accompanying
  • the educational operator of the concessionaire of paid educational services
  • Museum staff or other persons expressly authorized by the Museum
  • tour guides may not perform teaching and educational activities on their own.

In order to welcome owners of pets, the Museum of Civilizations offers pet-sitting services at the museum through BAUADVISOR’s DOGS&MUSEUM project that puts visitors into contact with a network of pet-friendly institutions.

Please bear in mind that in accordance with its Rules, the Museum permits admission by pets in the afternoon time slot (2-7 p.m.). Pet owners interested in visiting the Museum with their pets can purchase a reduced entry ticket for them. Owners of guide dogs for the blind, service dogs that assist people with disabilities, and small pets carried in arms or purses are not required to purchase such ticket for these animals.

Everyone is welcome at the Museum of Civilizations. We offer a variety of free programs and services to make the Museum accessible to every person.

Impaired accessibility services

In recognition of the diversity of its users, the Museum of Civilizations offers a variety of programs and services that ensure accessibility to the museum and all its activities and areas by anyone.

  • Access to the Museum is free for anyone with a certification of disability issued by a public authority together with his or her accompanying person
  • All the Museum of Civilizations’ services and rooms are accessible to everyone. The first and second floors are served by elevators. 
  • Wheelchairs and reclining chairs are available at Ticket Offices on free loan. The presentation of ID is required for the loan of recliner chairs. Motorized wheelchairs are permitted.
  • There are restrooms equipped for persons with disabilities on each floor.
  • There are 2 parking spots reserved for people with disabilities, one at the Palace of Sciences entrance (Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 14) entrance, the other at the Palace of Folk Art and Traditions entrance (Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 8).
  • The African, Early Middle-Ages and Folk Art and Traditions collections offer Braille pathways, which are also being updated and applied in all the other collections as well

An educational activity is planned for schools as per Art. 9: for information and booking regarding the Prehistory Section, contact Dott.ssa Sara Visco at sara.visco@cultura.gov.it.


Administrative headquarters and ticket office:
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi 14, Rome (Palace of Sciences)
Other entrances and ticket office:
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi 8, Rome (Palace of Folk Art and Traditions)
+39 06549521 (Palace of Sciences)
+39 065926148 (Palace of Folk Art and Traditions)
+39 0654952310
Certified e-mail:

For information on opening hours, admission and events, contact the Public Relations Office:
+39 335 731 0064 / + 39 335 732 4233 (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 9.30 to 11.30).

Projects and Networks

Il Museo delle Civiltà è attivamente impegnato, su scala nazionale e internazionale, in una serie di progetti e partenariati che prevedono attività di cooperazione culturale, ricerca condivisa, residenze di studio e interpretazione, scambio di esperienze professionali e di buone pratiche, programmi formativi e divulgativi, con la finalità di realizzare una piena tutela delle collezioni museali e mettere in atto forme di valorizzazione estesa e partecipata.
Gli specifici programmi affrontano e approfondiscono tematiche cruciali del dibattito contemporaneo che anima il campo della museografia e delle singole discipline afferenti alle collezioni del Museo delle Civiltà.

I progetti di partenariato, in particolare, sono improntati a una trasversale riflessione sui temi del ruolo dei musei contemporanei, delle ricerche delle provenienze, delle modalità di reinterpretazione delle opere, dell’accesso diversificato e plurale alle collezioni e agli archivi, con l’obiettivo di aumentare e approfondire le forme di partecipazione alla programmazione istituzionale da parte dei diversi soggetti interessati, in dialogo con istituzioni, università, accademie, centri di ricerca, poli culturali, associazioni, comunità di origine e provenienza delle collezioni e realtà rappresentative della società civile.

How to reach the Museum

The Museum of Civilizations has 2 locations:

Palace of Sciences:
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 14
Prehistory, Paleontology and Litho-mineralogy (ISPRA), African, American, Asian, Oceanian, Early Middle-Ages, and Contemporary Arts and Cultures Collections

Palace of Folk Art and Traditions:
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 8
Italian Folk Art and Traditions, ontemporary Arts and Cultures Collections

By metro
Metro Line B, EUR Fermi stop

By bus
Lines ATAC 30, 170, 671, 791, 714

By car
Free parking is available near the Museum.


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